So as you can see I've been playing about with some low poly versions of the Ninja-to the players will be using. While the models I've shown here will most likely change before release I thought I'd put it up here for all too see. The use of normal maps on weapons have not been ruled out, that being said it depends how close the camera will get to the player in game. While this texture is just a 2 minute work in progress please note the lighting was not done in 3dsMax and is just part of the texture. Not a huge update but thought you might like to see my progress!
Again... I've really just been playing about with weapon ideas and normal maps etc. The weapon models seen above will probably not be used in the game itself though the weapons will. There will also be many more ranged weapons besides the throwing needles, Shuriken and Caltrops.
Please note there will be MANY more weapons to come...